Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Photo credit: Essence.com

I am on the bandwagon. Last night while the hubs snored in slumberland beside me (yes, he snores - although he will definitely tell you differently) I finally watched the Women's Olympic Gymnastic finals and the USA team win GOLD! Let me just say, I am in loooooove with that little Gabby Douglas. Maybe I feel enamored by her because she is from my hometown? Maybe it's because I want my little lovie to grow up to be just like her?  Her positivity and determination is an inspiration. And she is a beauty to watch perform. Overall, I am loving the Olympics this time around. More so than ever before. I can't get enough of the diving, swimming, rowing, and of course little Miss. Gabby Douglas. Go USA!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Another go 'round

Well, as expected, I have been terrible at keeping a blog. Our lives have changed so much in the past few months I don't even know where to begin on all of the past updates so I'm starting fresh... I'm going to give it my best effort to keep this updated for Sean, our friends and family (near and far), and for myself. As a way to remember everything from the huge milestones to the mundane day to day of a mommy working full time with an adorable babe and hubs. Our life is a little bit crazy but always an adventure.

Why "for the love of S"? Well... in the past few years (3 to be exact) my life has been filled with great S things. Hubs name, my littlest lovie, SOS, and our last name. Some things I love: sailing, sewing, and living by the sea. This blog will be about my life and our lives together as a family. Let's just hope I can keep it up this time!