I imagine it will only be moments, if it hasn't happened already, that anyone that reads this is going to be over hearing about how in love with Baby S. I already am. I can't help myself. I bet every soon to be mommy would agree that the morning/all day sickness, weight gain which makes none of your clothes fit, and sudden acne outbreaks suck suck suck... but picturing the moment you get to sqeeze + kiss your little one makes up for it all. For me... the decorating is making up for it all. It's my salvation from the craziness that is currently my life. I can throw on some yoga pants and a t-shirt, grab the laptop, and shop Etsy until my heart is content. Every day on my way home from work I call Sean and it's like Christmas... more packages have arrived. Yesterday it was Baby S.'s crib! Yay! Sean has been such an amazing helper. He finished painting her room already and moved almost everything out of it into the spare room (which is currently a disaster of mostly my stuff that needs to be gone through b/c he already went through his junk) Now we get to set up the crib and I will get to start the decorating madness! Yay!
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