Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Resolution time

I am no good at making New Year's Resolutions I can stick to. Like most people, I start off with the best of intentions, but life just ehhh, kind of happens. I'd say 2012 was the closest to keeping a resolution I have ever gotten to. I wanted to learn to say no. To stop overextending myself, to spend more time doing the things I want to do, and spend more time with my family -- playing with my baby, talking to my hubby, being a little family of 3. So here we are again, a new year upon us... and my resolution(s) is pretty much the same, just slightly modified and with a few additions. Maybe actually writing them down here will help me reach them throughout 2013, so here goes:

1. Keep up learning to say no. I don't have to be everything to everyone, and bare the weight of the world on my shoulders. It's ok to not be part of things, to not host everything, to not do more for others than they deserve. This resolution is an ongoing work in progress

2. Craft more. I get so much joy from crafting, sewing, and being creative. This year I am going to try to complete at least 2 new projects per month.

3. Try new recipes. Since I also love to cook and recently even bake, I am vowing to try 52 new recipes during the year. Thank goodness for a very adventurous eating hubs. 

4. Date nights. Since life with a one year old is chaotic (especially with 2 working parents) we need to make more time in the coming year for nights out -- just the two of us -- and grown up date nights with our friends.

5. Read more. Run more. Blog more. This past year I pathetically barely made it through a book per month. Pushing my literary mind to read more throughout this coming year is high on my list. I've made several attempts in the past to "become a runner", but no year came so close as this past one. I ran my very first 10k and didn't die, so that is a success all in itself. I'm going to set my goal at a small 10 miles per week -- definitely an attainable goal. And lastly, blog more. Not just for me, my mom, and that lonely man in Germany who find my blog entertaining. But for SOS and the memories we'll have in the years to come. Speaking of which, I am behind on so many posts from the holidays -- looks like i've got some work to do on this one already! 
So here's to a prosperous, happy, and healthy 2013 filled with resolutions I can stick to!

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