Wow, holy hiatus. I meant to take a few weeks off during the craziness of the holidays, and just like that it’s nearly March. So obviously I have a lot of blog posts to catch up on. In true procrastinators fashion, I’ll leave those until another day. For now, on to one of my most favoritest (yes, I did just make up a word, it IS that great) projects that we (hubs and I) have ever completed… SOS’s new reading tent. It started off, like most projects now a days do… with the good old Pinterest search…. I knew I wanted to make a fun/cute tent for SOS to read (well actually Mommy and Daddy to read to her) in, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. Luckily, I stumbled upon Sunday Baker. Not only does this family have a really compelling story (when you get the chance, read how their blog came to be ), they also have the framework for the exact tent I had in mind. I knew all I needed was some good bones and I could craft the heck out of it. I am really wishing we had taken the time to take step by step photos, but to be honest I was so excited that the hubs agreed to do this that I didn’t stop to think past that moment. For the most part you can refer to her blog on how to make the basic frame, we did, however, add a small additional brace across the front top of the A-frame to increase stability and switched out the back panel from canvas to a fun print fabric. This is all you need to make this dreamy (well to me at least) tent happen:
fabric panel, pink trim/ joAnne’s
wood, bolts, canvas/ home depot