Monday, February 25, 2013

Our little gets a tent

Wow, holy hiatus. I meant to take a few weeks off during the craziness of the holidays, and just like that it’s nearly March. So obviously I have a lot of blog posts to catch up on. In true procrastinators fashion, I’ll leave those until another day. For now, on to one of my most favoritest (yes, I did just make up a word, it IS that great) projects that we (hubs and I) have ever completed… SOS’s new reading tent. It started off, like most projects now a days do… with the good old Pinterest search…. I knew I wanted to make a fun/cute tent for SOS to read (well actually Mommy and Daddy to read to her) in, but wasn’t sure how to go about it. Luckily, I stumbled upon Sunday Baker. Not only does this family have a really compelling story (when you get the chance, read how their blog came to be ), they also have the framework for the exact tent I had in mind. I knew all I needed was some good bones and I could craft the heck out of it. I am really wishing we had taken the time to take step by step photos, but to be honest I was so excited that the hubs agreed to do this that I didn’t stop to think past that moment. For the most part you can refer to her blog on how to make the basic frame, we did, however, add a small additional brace across the front top of the A-frame to increase stability and switched out the back panel from canvas to a fun print fabric.  This is all you need to make this dreamy (well to me at least) tent happen:

For the additional stability piece:

 Take one of the scrap pieces (you will have some left over) and measure it to fit across the opening of the A, cut it to fit. Then drill holes through both pieces of wood on either side and bolt in with the 8mm hex bolts.  After that you are pretty much good to go. I purchased the 2 yards of fabric from joAnne’s from a selection of sale flannel fabric that they had and we stapled it to the back frame then trimmed the fabric to match the outline. I hung 2 lanterns that we had left over from our wedding off of the cross pole at the top, tied on with raffia. The blanket is the one that came with her crib set that we have never used but was almost the perfect fit for the floor space. I made a bunch of pillows (tutorial to come) and stuffed them in the back, added some books, a few stuffed animals and a happy little book worm and we were good to go.

This really is one of my favorite projects to date. I might even love it more than SOS does. ;) I definitely want to see photos of any of my friends that decide to make a tent for their littles, so tag/send them to me! 

lanterns/ IKEA rotera (
fabric panel, pink trim/ joAnne’s
wood, bolts, canvas/ home depot

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